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City of Coleman
State of Texas with Longhorn

Director of Economic Development

EDC Logo - red horseshoe with windmill

Kim Little

200 W. Liveoak
Coleman, TX 76834
(325) 625-4116, ext. 104


Economic Development

The City of Coleman Economic Development Division is headed by Director Kim Little. Kim has a rich history in business and tourism promotion across Texas and Oklahoma.

Kim serves under the direction of the Joint Boards of the Coleman Economic Development Corporation, a Type A EDC board, and the Coleman Community Coalition, a Type B EDC board.

Current Board members are:

  • President - Larry Robinson
  • Vice President - Royce Young
  • Secretary/Treasurer - Joan Ethridge
  • Joe Haynes
  • Dr. Paul Reynolds
  • Mike Marrs
  • Berry Phillips


General EDC Project Application

All applicants for EDC assistance must fill out the application above. The completed application and supporting documentation may be submitted in person or by email to Director Kim Little. Feel free to contact Kim if you have any questions on the application or award criteria.

Facade Improvement Program

Facade Improvement Program
Brochure pg1 Brochure pg2

Director of Economic Development

EDC Logo - red horseshoe with windmill

Kim Little

200 W. Liveoak
Coleman, TX 76834
(325) 625-4116, ext. 104