City Logo
City of Coleman
State of Texas with Longhorn
Water Tower

Welcome to the City of Coleman

Population 3912 US Census 2020
Established 1876 - Incorporated 1892

A wonderful community to call home.

From award winning wines and fine dining, to excellent hunting and fishing opportunities, Coleman offers the perfect blend of rich Texas heritage and modern amenities. Located in the heart of Texas, close to Abilene, Brownwood and San Angelo, Coleman is a quiet community with plenty of recreation opportunities locally and quick access to major shopping centers.

Coleman is the seat of Coleman County and is proud to host the annual Coleman PRCA Rodeo.

Come out and Stay a while.

We would love to have you and your family out for great adventures. Check out the
Coleman Chamber of Commerce for more information.

The Friendliest Little Town in Texas


Notice of Adopted 2024 Tax Rate




Community Engagement

News & Announcements

Check out our EMPLOYMENT page for recent job opportunities!

Sealed Bids

The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of three lots of twenty (20) and one lot of six (6) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at the City Council Meeting on February 20, 2025.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact James King, Acting City Secretary, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116, ext 102.

Bid Form

James King,
Acting City Secretary
City of Coleman

Coleman Alerts

Sign up to receive emergency alerts and severe weather warnings that could directly impact you and your family The City of Coleman is able to send you emergency alerts via text message, email, pager, or voice mail (in extreme cases), based on your preferences. It is important that we collect this contact information because many households no longer utilize traditional land-based telephone lines.

The system is intended to be used for emergency alerts, as well as non-emergency incidents that may have significant impacts to residents. Emergency Alerts could be related to specific hazards that require some kind of action be taken such as evacuation, shelter in place, boil water orders, etc. Non-emergency alerts could include significant transportation problems with prolonged impacts or significant ongoing police or fire activity. This list is not meant to be all inclusive, and demonstrates that this system will not be used for routine information. In addition to receiving information on your wireless device, you may also receive notification on your land telephone line (if you have one) depending on the type of incident or event.

Please provide your address and preferred method(s) of contact. Adding your address will allow tailoring so you do not receive alerts that don’t pertain to your geographical area.

These alerts are provided free of charge, however standard text messaging rates and other charges may apply.

If you wish to subscribe to SMS text messages only, text ColemanTX to 38276. There is also a mobile app available. Click the link below for more information.
Project Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, City of Coleman - PWS 0420001, Lead Service Line Inventory & Replacement, Administering Agency: Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), Project funded with DWSRF Funding from the EPA & the TWDB, This project includes the inventory of all water service lines within the City's water system as well as construction to replace water service lines per EPA guidance. Water Quality Benefits: Reduction of lead within public water system.

Legal Notice for the Sale of Coastal/Bermuda Hay - December 12, 2024

The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of three lots of twenty (20) and one lot of six (6) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 3:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 2, 2025 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at the City Council Meeting on either January 2, or January 16, 2025.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact James King, Acting City Secretary, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116, ext 102.

Bid Form

James King,
Acting City Secretary
City of Coleman

Legal Notice - Request for Bids - October 7, 2024

Notice is hereby given that the City of Coleman, Texas will receive sealed bids for the lease of approximately 103.76 acres of land more or less out of the Wm. H, King Survey No. 737 located along state Highway 153 and US Highway 84 to be utilized for agricultural or industrial purposes. Information regarding the lease agreement is available by contacting James King, Acting City Secretary, City of Coleman at 200 W. Liveoak St. Coleman, Texas 76834.

All sealed bids must be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 4:00 P.M. Monday, October 25th, 2024 at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, Texas. Any bids received after the specified time and date shall not be considered by the City Council. Sealed bids will be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at a future City Council Meeting.

The City of Coleman reserves the right to accept the best value bid or reject any and all bids in accordance with Section 252.043 (a), (b) and (f) of the Local Government Code. For additional information, please contact James King, Acting City Secretary for the City of Coleman by calling 325-625-4116.

James R. King
Acting City Secretary
City of Coleman

Legal Notice for the Sale of Coastal/Bermuda Hay - August 19, 2024

The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of four lots of twenty (20) and one lot of twelve (12) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at the City Council Meeting on September 5, 2024.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact James King, Acting City Secretary, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116, ext 102.

Bid Form

James King,
Acting City Secretary
City of Coleman

Notice About 2024 Tax Rates

Property tax rates in City of Coleman.

This notice concerns the 2024 property tax rates for City of Coleman. This notice provides information about two tax rates used in adopting the current tax year's tax rate. The no-new-revenue tax rate would Impose the same amount of taxes as last year if you compare properties taxed in both years. In most cases, the voter-approval tax rate is the highest tax rate a taxing unit can adopt without holding an election. In each case, these rates are calculated by dividing the total amount of taxes by the current taxable value with adjustments as required by state law. The rates are given per $100 of property value.

This year's no-new-revenue tax rate
This year's voter-approval tax rate

To see the full calculations, please visit for a copy of the Tax Rate Calculation Worksheet.

Unencumbered Fund Balance
The following estimated balances will be left in the taxing unit's accounts at the end of the fiscal year. These balances are not encumbered by corresponding debt obligation.

Type of Fund
Debt Service - I & S Fund
General Fund - M & O

Current Year Debt Service
The following amounts are for long-term debts that are secured by property taxes. These amounts will be paid from upcoming property tax revenues (or additional sales tax revenues, if applicable).

Description of Debt
Principal or Contract Payment to be Paid from Property Taxes
Interest to be Paid from Property Taxes
Other Amounts to be Paid
Total Payment
Series 2008 TWDB CO
Series 2019 USDA CO
Series 2019A USDA CO

Total required for 2024 debt service
-Amount (if any) paid from funds listed in unencumbered funds
-Amount (if any) paid from other resources
-Excess collections last year
=Total to be paid from taxes in 2024
+Amount added in anticipation that the unit will collect only 95.00% of its taxes in 2024
= Total debt levy

This notice contains a summary of actual no-new-revenue and voter-approval calculations as certified by Carol A. Weaver, Coleman CAD, Office Manager on 08/06/2024.

Visit to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information about proposed tax rates and scheduled public hearings of each entity that taxes your property.

The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.

Please complete by August 9th!

Rural Economic Planning Flier

Lake Coleman Community Meeting

All Lake Coleman residents are invited to the Lake Coleman Volunteer Fire Department Community Room for a Community Meeting on June 27, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss docks and other structures on or over the waters of Lake Coleman.

Assistant City Manager James King will present information on existing and proposed regulations for building docks and other structures at the lake, and the desire to address issues affecting lake residents.

All Lake Coleman residents are encouraged to attend and give input. - posted 6/12/2024

City Seeking Proposals for Texas Water Development Board - Lead Service Line Replacement

The City of Coleman is seeking proposals for the Texas Water Development Board Lead Service Line Replacement project. The Request for Proposals and other documents may be found in our Legal Notices Section.

Click HERE for Legal Notices

City Opens Public Comment Period for Proposed Zoning Change creating Downtown District

The City of Coleman has been working on proposed amendments to City of Coleman Zoning Regulations to create a new zoning district for Downtown Coleman. The proposed text of the ordinance is listed below. Click HERE for a printable version. We welcome public comments on the proprosed language. Public comments will continue to be accepted until passage of an ordinance adopting the changes. Please send all comments to

Proposed Downtown District Map

City of Coleman, Texas
Zoning Ordinance Changes for Downtown District
Exhibit A

All text which is underlined denotes addition of new text. All text which is stricken through denotes removal of existing text. All other text is existing, unchanged text. Any existing text which has been omitted shall be considered unchanged. All text which is both between braces { } and italicized, is for document organization and reference only and is not intended to be adopted. The City of Coleman Zoning Ordinance No. 1072 as amended is hereby amended as follows:

{Amend Article 3, Section 3.01 to add Downtown District:}

Section 3.01 Zoning Districts Identified

The City of Coleman, Texas, is hereby divided into zoning districts as listed in the section.

A Agricultural District
SF-E Single Family Residential District - Estate
SF-1 Single Family Residential District - 1
SF-2 Single Family Residential District - 2
TF Two Family Residential (Duplex) District
MH-1 Manufactured Home District
MH-2 Manufactured Home Park District
MF Multifamily District
C-1 Commercial District - Office, Light Retail, and Neighborhood Services
C-2 Commercial District - General
DT Downtown District
M-1 Manufacturing/Industrial District - Light
M-2 Manufacturing/Industrial District - Heavy
PD Planned Development District
FP Flood Plain District

{Amend table in Article 9, Section 9.02 .2 to add Downtown District bulk regulations}

Standard C-1 C-2 DT C-3 M1 M2
Maximum Height (ft) 35 - 70 - - -
Minimum Lot Area (sq.ft) 6,000 6,000 1,200 6,000 6,000 6,000
Minimum Lot Width (ft) 50 50 N/A 50 50 50
Minimum Lot Depth (ft) 80 80 N/A 80 80 80
Minimum Front Yard (ft) 25 25 0 25 25 25
Maximum Front Yard(ft) N/A N/A 10 N/A N/A N/A
Minimum Side/Rear Yard (ft) 10 10 0 10 10 10

{Amend Section 9.02.2 to add a new column and two new rows, as shown below:}

Standard DT
Maximum Height (ft) 5 stories/70 ft
Minimum Lot Area (sq.ft.) 1,200 sf
Minimum Lot Width (ft) --
Minimum Lot Depth (ft) --
Minimum Front Yard (ft) 0 ft
Minimum Side/Rear Yard (ft) 0 ft
Maximum Front Yard (ft) 10 ft
Maximum Impervious Cover 100%
Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) None

{Amend Article 3, Section 3.02 to add “Downtown District”}

DT -- Downtown District

  2. The Downtown (DT) District is a mixed-use district established to provide opportunities for the use of substantial land areas and buildings within the city that have unique qualities associated with the history and culture of the area and its people. Reduced setbacks and parking requirements are provided as part of this district due to physical restraints. Preservation of existing buildings is encouraged to promote the history and culture of the community.

  4. (1) The following uses are allowed by right within this district:

    a. Bed and Breakfast Inn
    b. Boarding/Rooming House
    c. Multiple family residence
    d. Museum or art gallery
    e. Church, rectory, or place of worship
    f. Fraternal organization or civic club
    g. Clinic, medical or dental
    h. Day care center
    i. Hospital
    j. Philanthropic, charitable or non-profit organization
    k. Accessory building or structure (commercial)
    l. Home occupation
    m. Amusement, commercial (indoor)
    n. Theater (indoor)
    o. Park, playground (public)
    p. Studio (photographer, musician, artist)
    q. Automatic Teller Machine (ATM)
    r. Barber shop
    s. Beauty shop
    t. Specialty schools
    u. Hotel or motel
    v. Personal service shop
    w. Print shop
    x. Bank, savings and loan, credit union
    y. Clinic, medical or dental
    z. Office, professional or general administrative
    aa. Studio for radio or television
    bb. Furniture, appliance store
    cc. Storage and repair of furniture and appliances (indoor)
    dd. Baker and confectionery, retail sales
    ee. Convenience store (without gasoline sales)
    ff. Garden center (retail sales), no outside storage
    gg. General merchandise store, less than 12,000 square feet
    hh. Food store, grocery store, less than 12,000 square feet
    ii. Pawn shop
    jj. Pet shop
    kk. Pharmacy
    ll. Restaurant, without drive-in or drive-through service
    mm. Second hand store, furniture/clothing
    nn. Auto parts sales (indoor), no repair bays
    oo. Parking lot or parking garage, automobile
    pp. Fire station
    qq. Police station
    rr. Public or private franchised utility
    ss. Governmental office building
    tt. Post office, government and private
    uu. Sewage pumping station
    vv. Utility distribution line
    ww. Water pumping station or well
    xx. Water storage, elevated or ground

    (2) The following uses are permitted by Special Use:

    a. Feed and farm supply (inside sales/storage)
    b. Single family dwelling (all types)
    c. Cemetery or mausoleum
    d. College or university
    e. Community home
    f. Animal shelter
    g. Rest home or nursing home
    h. Retirement housing
    i. School (all types)
    j. Rehabilitation care or facility
    k. Accessory dwelling
    l. Caretaker or security residence
    m. Flea market
    n. Club, private
    o. Funeral home
    p. Radio, TV, or microwave tower, commercial
    q. General merchandise store, 12,000 square feet or greater
    r. Food store, grocery store, 12,000 square feet or greater
    s. Electrical substation
    t. Electrical transmission line
    u. Gas transmission line
    v. Plumbing, heating, refrigeration, or air conditioning business
    w. Taxidermist
    x. Drive-through facilities

    (3) The following uses are permitted as temporary uses:

    a. Contractor’s temporary on-site construction office

    (4) All uses not referenced above shall not be permitted.

    (5) Recreational vehicles, travel trailers, motor homes or temporary buildings may not be used for on-site dwelling, storage or permanent nonresidential purposes (including permitted food vendors).

  6. (1) Driveway Spacing (i.e., distance between driveways, measured edge-to-edge):

    a. Arterial street – One driveway per two hundred (200) linear feet of frontage
    b. Collector street – One driveway per one hundred (100) linear feet of frontage
    c. Local street – One driveway per fifty (50) linear feet of frontage

    (2) Encroachments into ROW - Encroachments into the public right-of-way of awnings, canopies, furniture, fencing, landscaping, or other such structures or features, shall only be allowed upon approval by the City Manager, or designee, and may be approved with conditions, including requirements for insurance, indemnity agreements, and any other conditions deemed necessary. An unfavorable decision by the City Manager or designee may be appealed to the City Council if requested in writing within 30 days of the decision.

    (3) Temporary Outdoor Retail Sales – Temporary outdoor retail sales, which involves the outside display of merchandise and seasonal items, shall be limited to the following:

    a. Shall not pose a safety or visibility hazard, nor impede public vehicular or pedestrian circulation, either on-site or off-site, in any way.
    b. Temporary outdoor retail sales may extend into public right-of-way provided that it is placed adjacent to the storefront and does not impede the pedestrian path and maintains at least 36” of unobstructed sidewalk.
    c. All outside display items shall be removed at the end of business each day.
    d. All merchandise shall be displayed in a neat, orderly manner, and the display area shall be maintained in a clean, litter-free manner.
    e. Shall not occupy any of the fire lanes or parking spaces that are required by this Ordinance for the primary use(s) of the property.

    (4) Outdoor storage – Outdoor storage, other than temporary retail display, is prohibited in this district.

    (5) Outdoor seating – Outdoor seating is permitted, provided that all outdoor seating extending into the public right-of-way shall be placed adjacent to the storefront, does not impede the pedestrian path and maintains at least 36” of unobstructed sidewalk.

    (6) Lighting – All exterior lighting shall comply with the following:

    a. All luminaries located properties shall be downward facing designed so that the light source (bulb or lamp) is completely shielded from direct view at a point six (6) feet above grade on the lot line.
    b. Shielded and cutoff light sources should be used to minimize light trespass onto adjacent properties.
    c. Wall or roof lighting may be used to illuminate the pedestrian walkways, entrance areas and yard areas within thirty (30) feet of the building.
    d. Light levels shall not be greater than 0.5 foot-candle at the property lines of the development except for public or private streetlights or wall or roof lighting used to illuminate sidewalks or pedestrian walkways.
    e. Lighting shall have a color temperature of no more than 4000 Kelvins.

    (7) Parking Requirements – Off-street parking shall not be required for uses within this district, with the exception of multifamily apartments with greater than 10 dwelling units or hotel and similar uses with over 10 rooms. Multifamily apartments and hotels (and similar uses) with over 10 rooms shall provide off-street parking at a ratio of 1 space per dwelling unit/room.

    (8) Sign Regulations –

    a. Freestanding signs shall not be permitted.
    b. Token or hanging signs are permitted so long as the vertical clearance of the sign over a pedestrian way is a minimum of 8 feet and the sign does not extend over a roadway, driveway, or parking area.

Public Notice for a Proposed Activity in the 100-Year Floodplain and Wetlands

To: All interested Agencies, US Fish and Wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Groups, and Individuals

This is to give notice that the City of Coleman plans to use their ARP Allocation for the Brazos St. Sewer Line Replacement. Pursuant to Executive Order 11988 and Executive Order 11990, to determine the potential effect that its activity in the floodplain and wetlands will have on the human environment. According to the Fish & Wildlife Services, National Wetlands Inventory, landscaping may occur within an approximate 0.05-acre section of wetlands (riverine). The proposed project is located on property owned by the City of Coleman, Coleman County, Texas along Brazos Street and East Mesquite Street.

There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in floodplains and wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about floodplains and wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in floodplains and wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.

Commenters are encouraged to send any questions or concerns to the City Secretary, by August 4, 2023 at 2:00 P.M.

Sealed Bids


The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of four lots of twenty (20) and one lot of twenty-two (22) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at the City Council Meeting on August 3, 2023.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact Betty Bivins, City Secretary, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116, ext 114.

Bid Form

Betty Bivins,
City Secretary
City of Coleman



The City of Coleman is giving notice of the City’s intent to a submit Texas Community Development Block Grant Program grant application for a Community Development Fund grant request of $500,000 for road drainage improvements in the City. The application is available for review at the City Hall during regular business hours. For more information, please contact Diana Lopez at 325-625-4116.


La Ciudad de Coleman notifica la intención de la Ciudad de presentar una solicitud de subvención del Programa de Subsidios en Bloque para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Texas para una solicitud de subvención del Fondo de Desarrollo Comunitario de $500,000 para mejoras de drenaje de carreteras en la Ciudad. La solicitud está disponible para su revisión en el Ayuntamiento durante el horario comercial habitual. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Diana López al 325-625-4116.

City Wide Clean Up Flier
WEATHER CLOSURE - City offices will remain closed through Wednesday, February 1, 2023, due to dangerous roadway conditions. Essential City Staff will continue to be available to meet the needs of the community. City Staff continue to monitor phone lines. For non-emergency assistance, please call 325-625-4116.


The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of three lots of twenty-two (22) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 4:00 P.M. on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at the City Council Meeting on November 3, 2022.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact Betty Bivins, City Secretary, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116, ext 114.

Bid Form

Betty Bivins,
City Secretary
City of Coleman

CITY OFFICES CLOSED - City Offices will be closed on Friday, October 21st, 2022, for staff training.
Notice of Change in Water Disinfectant from Chloramine to Free Chlorine

Notice of Application Availability for Public Review

Notice of Application Availability for Review
HOLIDAY: City Offices will be closed on Monday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day.
HOLIDAY: City Offices will be closed on Monday, May 30th, for Memorial Day.
Job Fair Flier


City Job Fair

The City of Coleman will host a job fair on Saturday, May 21, 2022 at the Bill Franklin Center located at 13152 State Hwy 206 in Coleman, Texas to fill vacant positions currently open.

The job fair will begin at 10:00 am. Representatives from departments will be available to answer questions and discuss job opportunities with potential candidates. The City provides competitive pay, certification pay, paid leave, paid health insurance and retirement.

Interested applicants should be ready with a prepared resume and interviews will be conducted with potential candidates.

The following positions are available:

Animal Control/Code Compliance Utility Specialist – Water Distribution
Utility Specialist – Wastewater Water Plant Operator
Field Maintenance Worker - Parks Department Laborer – Streets
Equipment Operator Human Resources Specialist
Police Officer Lifeguard

Successful completion of a pre-employment drug test and physical is required prior to employment. For more information, please contact Human Resources at: 325-625-4116 - Ext. 102 or

HOLIDAY: City offices will be closed on Friday, April 15th, 2022, in observance of Good Friday.
Delayed Opening: City Facilities will delay opening on Thursday, February 24th, 2022, until 10:00 a.m. due to the potential for hazardous road conditions in the morning.
City Hall Closure Notice
City Hall Closure Notice
Notice of Planned Electrical Disruption

HOLIDAY - City Offices will be closed on January 17th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of one lot of twenty (20) and one lot of nineteen (19) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 3:00 P.M. on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at a future City Council Meeting.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact James King, Assistant City Manager, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116.

Bid Form

James King,
Assistant City Manager
City of Coleman

HOLIDAY: The City of Coleman will be closed on Thursday, December 23rd, and Friday, December 24th, for the Christmas Holidays. The Convenience Center will be closed on Friday and Saturday as well. Office hours will resume as normal on Monday, December 27th.
Press Release
Press Release Flier

Notice: City Hall undergoing software upgrades - will have limited functionality during upgrade.

City offices closed on October 29th.

City offices closed on October 29th for staff training and development.

National Night Out Logo

The Coleman Police Department, Coleman County sheriff’s Office and Santa Anna Police Department would like to invite all Coleman County citizens to come out to the Coleman City Park on Tuesday night October 5th from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. National Night Out was created to help with Police and Community partnerships. There will be free Hotdogs, chips and drinks available.

We would like to thank Santa Anna Processing, Shoppin Baskit, Coleman County Chamber of Commerce and Coleman Interbank for their donations to make this event possible.


A tax rate of $0.441866 per $100 valuation has been proposed by the governing body of the City of Coleman.

PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.441866 per $100
NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE $0.433564 per $100
VOTER-APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.441867 per $100

The no-new-revenue tax rate is the tax rate for the 2021 tax year that will raise the same amount of property tax revenue for the City of Coleman from the same properties in both the 2020 tax year and the 2021 tax year.

The voter-approval rate is the highest tax rate that the City of Coleman may adopt without holding an election to seek voter approval of the rate.

The proposed tax rate is greater than the no-new-revenue tax rate. This means that the City of Coleman is proposing to increase property taxes for the 2021 tax year.


The proposed tax rate is not greater than the voter-approval tax rate. As a result, City of Coleman is not required to hold an election at which voters may accept or reject the proposed tax rate. However, you may express your support for or opposition to the proposed tax rate by contacting the members of the City Council of the City of Coleman at their offices or by attending the public hearing mentioned above.


Property tax amount= (tax rate) x (taxable value of your property)/100

FOR the proposal: Mayor Tommy Sloan
  Mayor Pro Tem Sharlene Hetzel
  Councilmember Tracy Rankin
  Councilmember Monte Sides
  Councilmember Bobby McGee
AGAINST the proposal: None
PRESENT and not voting: None

The 86th Texas Legislature modified the manner in which the voter-approval tax rate is calculated to limit the rate of growth of property taxes in the state.

The following table compares the taxes imposed on the average residence homestead by the City of Coleman last year to the taxes proposed to be imposed on the average residence homestead by City of Coleman this year.

  2020 2021 Change
Total tax rate (per $100 of value) $0.438623 $0.441866 increase of $0.003243, or 0.74%
Average homestead taxable value $52,067 $54,311 increase of $2,244, or 4.31%
Tax on average homestead $228.38 $239.98 increase of $11.60, or 5.08%
Total tax levy on all properties $584,885 $604,435 increase of $19,550, or 3.34%

For assistance with tax calculations, please contact the tax assessor for the City of Coleman at 325-625-4155 or, or visit for more information.


The City of Coleman is seeking sealed bids for the sale of five lots of twenty (20) each and one lot of twenty one (21) round bales 4 x 5 Coastal/Bermuda Hay from the municipal sewer farm.

All bids should be sealed for consideration by the City Council in one secured packet. Sealed bids received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council.

All sealed bids are to be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 3:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, TX 76834. Bids will then be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s office for Council’s consideration at a future City Council Meeting.

The successful bidder shall be responsible for the loading and removal of the bales of Coastal Hay from City Property within thirty days of the award of the bid date.

The City Council retains the right to accept any bid or reject all bids. For additional information interested bidders should contact James King, Assistant City Manager, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116.

Bid Form

James King,
Assistant City Manager
City of Coleman


In accordance with LGC Sections 252.021, 252.041, 252.041 (b), 252.042, 252.043(a), (b) and (c), the City of Coleman is seeking competitive sealed proposals for the purchase of health insurance, which will become effective October 1, 2021 and shall expire on September 30, 2022. This will be in accordance with the specifications in the Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals. The Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals may be picked up from Zesch and Pickett Insurance LLP., P.O. Box 431, San Angelo, Texas 76902 or by contacting Bobby Zesch or James Pickett at 1-800-259-4291. All providers shall make (3) three copies of their sealed proposals for consideration by the City Council in one secured sealed packet.

All sealed proposals are to be received at the office of the City Secretary on or before August 18, 2021 at 5:00 P.M. at the Coleman City Hall located at 200 West Liveoak, Coleman, Texas 76834. Sealed Proposals received after the due date shall not be considered by the City Council. Proposals will then be opened by the Coleman City Secretary at August 19, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the City Council Chambers, 200 West Liveoak, Coleman, Texas. Proposals will then be presented to the firm of Zesch and Pickett Insurance LLP. of San Angelo for their analysis and recommendations to the City Council. Representatives of Zesch and Pickett Insurance LLP may present their recommendations to the City Council at their regular meeting at 5:15 P.M. on Thursday, September 2, 2021, at the City Council Chambers located at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, Texas, 76834.

The City Council retains the right to reject any and all proposals submitted and to waive any irregularities in the proposals. The City Council may award the proposal that presents the best value for the City. In determining best value for the City, the City Council shall consider: (1) the purchase price; (2) the reputation of the proposer; (3) the quality of the proposer’s services; (4) the extent to which the services meet the City’s needs; (5) the proposer’s past relationship with the City; and (6) the total long-term cost to the City to acquire the proposer’s services. Please note that to obtain the best final offer, the City may permit revisions to the proposals after submission and before the award of the contract pursuant to Section 252.042(b). For additional information, interested providers should contact, City Secretary, City of Coleman at 325-625-4116 or Bobby Zesch or his associate, James Pickett of Zesch & Pickett at 1-800-259-4291.

City Secretary
City of Coleman

Notice: The City Swimming pool will be closed on Thursday, July 29, due to staffing issues. We will re-open on Friday, June 30th. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Notice: The City Swimming pool will be closed on Wednesday, July 21, due to staffing issues. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Coleman - 7220032 - DRP - Sidewalk - EA

HOLIDAY: City Offices will be closed on Monday, July 5th, in observance of Independence Day. The swimming pool will be closed on Sunday, July 4th and Monday, July 5th.

Operation Restoration

Buy a brick paver to help finance Operation Restoration, and get the Coleman Fire Department's 1928 American LaFrance on display! For more information or to donate, CLICK HERE.

Fire truck with kids and EDC Logo

Storm Damage: The City of Coleman is offering free limb disposal at the Convenience Center during normal operating hours through May 29th. This only applies to limbs, not construction materials.

Operating Hours are:
Monday 1pm - 5pm
Friday 1pm - 5pm
Saturday 9am - noon and 1pm - 4pm


Notice is hereby given that the City of Coleman, Texas will receive sealed bids for the lease of approximately 157.4 acres of land more or less being known as the Airport Farm Property located adjacent to the City of Coleman Municipal Airport, for agriculture purposes as described in the specifications. Specifications are available by contacting Karen Langley, City Secretary, 200 W. Liveoak St. Coleman, TX 76834.

All sealed bids must be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 3:00 P.M. Friday, May 14, 2021 at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, Texas. Any bids received after the specified time and date shall not be considered by the City Council. Sealed bids will be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s Office for Council’s consideration at a future City Council Meeting.

The City of Coleman reserves the right to accept the best value bid or reject any/and all bids in accordance with Section 252.043 (a), (b) and (f) of the Local Government Code. For additional information, please contact Karen Langley, City Secretary for the City of Coleman or by calling 325-625-4116.

Karen Langley, TRMC
City Secretary
City of Coleman

Meet out new Customer Service Representatives!
Brooklyn Guerrero
Brooklyn Guerrero was raised in Coleman and recently moved back to raise her baby girl here. She is excited to be back in Coleman and looks forward to seeing familiar faces and serving her home town.
Caleb Littlefield
Caleb Littlefield is from Ballinger but considers Coleman his second home. He looks forward to meeting everyone and promises to do his best to serve our community.

Mayor Sloan with Sheriff Cogdill and Dispatcher Connie Beloat
Mayor Sloan presents proclamation to Sheriff Cogdill and Chief Dispatcher Connie Beloat in recognition of National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. View proclamation here.
Michelle Sexton accepting proclamation on behalf of the Child Welfare Board
Mayor Sloan issues proclamation declaring April to be National Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month
James King accepting proclamation on behalf of the City
Mayor Sloan issues proclamation declaring April as City Wide Clean Up Days
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing - Friday, April 9, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

HOLIDAY - City offices will be closed on Friday, April 2nd for Good Friday.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL for Professional Audit Services

Press Release
Press Release - City Council approves Resolution to provide economic relief from water leaks due to Winter Storm.

Press Release

Report Damage from Feb 2021 Winter Weather Event

QR Code
Report Property Damage at the following URL or scan the above QR code with your phone.
NOTE: The City of Coleman does not collect this information or process claims.  This information is being relayed to property owners for informational purposes only to assist with possible FEMA Claims.
Mayor's Declaration of Local Disaster
Mayor Sloan's Declaration of Local Disaster related to February Winter Weather Event.

Boil Water Notice
BOIL WATER NOTICE issued for the City of Coleman and surrounding areas.

HOLIDAY - City Offices will be closed Monday, February 15th in observance of President's Day.
CONVENIENCE CENTER CLOSED DUE TO WEATHER - The City Convenience Center will be closed on Saturday, February 13th and Monday, February 15th due to inclement weather.
Press Release - Weather Delay
WEATHER DELAY - City Offices will open at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, January 11th, due to anticipated weather hazards.

Bid Notice
Bid Notice - Cemetery Lease, 10.64 Acres known as the Adele Adams property.

HOLIDAY - City Offices will be closed on January 1 for New Years Day.
HOLIDAYS - City Offices will be closed on December 24 & 25 for the Christmas Holidays.
Press Release - Conserve Water
Press Release - Conserve Water on Tuesday, December 22, 2020, from 7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. due to scheduled water line maintenance.

Cyber Holiday Tips PSA from the Coleman Police Department

Click here for a printable version
  • Holiday shopping is already in full swing. Unfortunately, this also means there will be more cybercrimes and card-not-present fraud. Don’t let a cyber Grinch ruin your holidays. Use these Pre-Santa Arrival (PSA) cyber security tips to protect yourself online during this holiday season.
  • Use common sense when shopping online. If a deal seems too good to be true, assume it is a scam. If you think an email is fake, it probably is. Be skeptical rather than trusting.
  • Watch out for Seasonal Scams. Cyber criminals send fake holiday e-cards with malicious links and steal personal information. Beware of shipping notification scams, as packages may arrive later than usual this season. Charity donation scams are also an issue during the holiday season.
  • Shop only at sites you know and use a credit card instead of a debit card. Secure websites should use https. The “s” means secure.
  • Look for the padlock icon in the URL. Credit cards offer fraud protection.
  • Keep Software updated and use current anti-virus protection software.
  • Don’t Auto Save. Don’t store your credit card information via auto save, hackers can potentially access information. The little bit of extra time it takes to re-enter your credit card information each time you want to make a purchase, will ease your mind and possibly curb the impulse buying.
  • Avoid public Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi sounds like a good idea, but cyber criminals take advantage of it. Use a VPN if absolutely needed.
  • Use Strong Passwords/Passphrases and Multi-Factor Authentication. Change those passwords often.
  • Go Directly to the Source. Go directly to the merchant’s website or call customer service to verify rather than clicking any links inside an email. Hover over the link to see the URL where you would be taken if you clicked it. If unsure, copy and paste links into a different browser window for review.
  • Check Your Statements. Look over credit card and bank statements for fraudulent charges.
  • Never (ever ever) give out your personal information online. An email or text message requesting personal information, such as your credit card number, is likely a scam.

Press Release - $1000 Arson Reward
Press Release - $1000 Reward for Information Leading to arrest and conviction in recent arsons.

HOLIDAY - City offices will be closed on November 26th and 27th for the Thanksgiving Holidays.
Boil Water Notice Recinded
Boil Water Notice Rescinded - The Boil Water Notice issued on November 23 for Western portions of the City of Coleman has been rescinded.

Press Release on Appointment of Interim Chief of Police
Press Release on Appointment of Interim Chief of Police - Please help us welcome Interim Chief of Police Chris Bratton!

Press Release - Boil Water Notice
Boil Water Notice - Due to a Water Main Break and resulting pressure loss, residents in the effected area from Austin Street to Hillcrest Street, and West of Martin Street to Holiday Hill Nursing Home, are required to boil water until further notice. Residents will be notified when the notice is recinded.

Press Release - Boil Water Notice
Boil Water Notice - Due to a Water Main Break and resulting pressure loss, residents in the effected area from Austin Street to Hillcrest Street, and West of Martin Street to Holiday Hill Nursing Home, are required to boil water until further notice. Residents will be notified when the notice is recinded.

Press Release from Mayor Sloan about the Chief of Police
Press Release by Mayor Tommy Sloan about separation of Chief of Police - November 20, 2020

Press Release by Judge Billy Bledsoe about COVID-19 Mask Mandate
Press Release by Judge Bledsoe in reference to COVID-19 Mask Mandate - November 19, 2020

Hay Bid Notice

HOLIDAY - City offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11th for Veteran's Day.
Election Results: For results of the November 3, 2020 Charter Election, CLICK HERE.
Veteran's Day Ceremony November 11, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. - The Coleman Cemetery Beautification Committee, in conjunction with the City of Coleman, will be conducting a Veteran's Day Ceremony and unveiling a new Veteran's Monument at the Coleman Municipal Cemetery.
Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given that the City of Coleman, Texas will receive sealed bids for the lease of approximately 13.64 acres of land more or less being known as Block J of the Subdivision of the part of the R.J. Clow Survey No. 735, located on 5th Ave and 15th Street, which will be utilized for agriculture purposes as described in the specifications. Specifications are available by contacting Karen Langley, City Secretary, 200 W. Liveoak St. Coleman, TX 76834.

All sealed bids must be received in the office of the City Secretary no later than 3:00 P.M. Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 200 W. Liveoak, Coleman, Texas. Any bids received after the specified time and date shall not be considered by the City Council. Sealed bids will be opened by a representative of the City Manager’s Office for Council’s consideration at a future City Council Meeting.

The City of Coleman reserves the right to accept the best value bid or reject any and all bids in accordance with Section 252.043 (a), (b) and (f) of the Local Government Code. For additional information, please contact Karen Langley, City Secretary for the City of Coleman by calling 325-625-4116.

Karen Langley, TMRS
City Secretary
City of Coleman

Click Here for Bid Form
Notice of Closure
City Offices will be closed on Friday, October 30th, from 12:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Mayor Sloan presents letter of appreciation to retiring Congressman Mike Conaway
Mayor Tommy Sloan delivers letter of appreciation to retiring Congressman Mike Conaway. We appreciate your service! - October 9, 2020.
City Wide Cleanup Flier
CITY WIDE CLEANUP - Bulk Curbside Pickup on November 7th! All residential trash customers may set out up to 5 bulk items or 25 bags of trash. Please take advantage of this FREE opportunity to make our communities better!
Officer Jeremiah Biggs
Please welcome Coleman's newest police officer, Jeremiah Biggs!
HOLIDAY - City Offices will be closed Monday, September 7th for Labor Day.  Have a great weekend!
Notice of Temporary Change in Water Disinfectant
Notice of Temporary Change in Water Disinfectant

HOLIDAY - City offices will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day.
Hyper-Reach Emergency Notification System Brochure 
Sign up for Emergency Notifications for the City of Coleman and Coleman County.

Public Hearing Notice
Public Hearing on Downtown Revitalization (sidewalk) Project on July 1, at 6:00 p.m. Come let your voice be heard!
HOLIDAY - City offices will be closed on Monday, May 25th, in observance of Memorial Day.
Joint Press Release from Mayor Sloan and County Judge
Joint Statement from Judge Bledsoe and Mayor Sloan Clarifying information of COVID-19 Cases in Coleman County.

Notice of Temporary Change in Water Disinfectant
Notice of Temporary Change in Water Disinfectant from May 1, 2020 through May 30, 2020.

Press Release from Mayor Sloan about the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Coleman
Press Release: Statement from Mayor Sloan about the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Coleman - 4/24/2020

HOLIDAY - City offices will be closed on Friday, April 10th for Good Friday.
Public Service Announcement 
Press Release from Mayor Tommy Sloan in reference to Covid 19
Press Release from Mayor Sloan about the City's COVID-19 Response

Proclamation for Child Abuse Awareness Month
Proclamation of the Mayor declaring April to be Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month

Press Release - City Wide Cleanup Postponed until further notice
Press Release - City Wide Clean-up Cancelled Until Further Notice

Press Release 2020-03-23
Press Release about Residential Trash Service Restrictions due to Covid-19, effective March 24, 2020.

CDC Guidelines on Corvid-19

CDC Guidelines - 15 Days to Slow the Spread CDC Guidelines - What to do if you think you are sick. 
Press Release references Small Businesses
Press Release from the Mayor - COVID-19 SBA

Emergency Declaration due to Corvid-19 and related Ordinance
Emergency Declaration due to Corvid-19 and related Ordinance passed by the City Council on March 19, 2020.

Meetings to be broadcast live!

City Council Chambers
Council meetings now being broadcast online! See the Live Meetings tab just above this screen, or the Public Meeting Page.
Mayor's Press Release on COVID-19
Press Release from Mayor Tommy Sloan on COVID-19, March 17, 2020

Proclamation by the Mayor
Proclamation of City Wide Cleanup Days by Mayor Tommy Sloan
City Wide Cleanup Flyer
Spring Cleaning starts this Saturday!!! Bulk Curbside Pickup this Saturday, March 14! 5 Large Items or 25 bags of garbage!!! Restrictions apply!
Small items must be bagged or bundled! Loose items will not be picked up. Do not set out personal trash cans unless you want the can disposed of!

UPDATE: Appliances are not allowed to be picked up at the curb. These items should be taken to the Convenience Center for recycling.

Press Release for Road Closure
Press Release - Temporary Road Closure of N. Neches Street on Wednesday, March 11, for Railway Bridge Repairs

Notice of Public Hearing for Street Closure
Notice of Public Hearing for Street Closure for Coleman County Medical Center building project.

New Detective Vickie Kemp
Vickie Kemp was sworn in on 2/24 as the newest member of the Coleman Police Department.  Welcome Detective Vickie Kemp!!!
City Wide Cleanup Flyer
Get ready for Spring Cleaning!!! Bulk Curbside Pickup on Saturday, March 14! 5 Large Items or 25 bags of garbage!!! Restrictions apply! Appliances must be certified free of pollutants and no hazardous materials!
CONVENIENCE CENTER EXPANDED HOURS - The City Convenience Center now has expanded hours!  New hours are Monday and Friday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to Noon, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  The Convenience Center WILL be open on President's Day.
HOLIDAY - City Offices will be closed on February 17th in observance of President's Day.
Press Release - City Hall closure due to weather event.
Press Release - Closure of Non-Essential operations

Press Release - Delayed opening due to weather event.
Press Release - Delay of Non-Essential Operations until 10:00 a.m.

National Weather Service Forecast 02-04-2020
National Weather Service Winter Storm Warning and Advisory

Please use caution when traveling and stay home if possible!
Press Release
Press Release - City of Coleman Hotel Occupancy Tax Advisory Board now accepting applications for HOT Funds.
See additional information on Hotel Occupancy Tax funds and applications HERE.
HOLIDAY: City offices will be closed on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.